
We started out by getting rid of everything

The ability to Get Things Done and reach inbox zero is a key focus of Superagent. We built Superagent for the pros and those who care about efficiency, workflow and useful integrations.

Sleek user interface

Our lightweight, sleek user interface makes it easy to navigate no matter your experience level.
Sleek user interface

Keyboard shortcuts

Supercharge your productivity with keyboard shortcuts. And we make you a promise: We will never create a feature in Superagent that can’t be accessed in a keyboard friendly way. Get where you want, fast and easy. Your neck muscles will thank you.
Keyboard shortcuts

Inbox zero

Your inbox is not your todo list. Superagent is built for efficiency and for you to reach inbox zero
Inbox zero


Supermode makes our sleek user interface even sleeker by removing unnecessary items from the navigation. Once you go SuperMode you will never go back. A true keyboard only experience for the pros.